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Impact Leadership Coaching

As a leader, whether you are a confident senior executive, transitioning to a new role, or seeking to tackle a particular challenge, Impact Leadership coaching can be highly effective. Impact Leadership coaching enables leaders to go deeper into their preferences and patterns in leadership development for impact in a safe thinking environment. The coaching trajectory is co-designed with the leader by using data collected from a diagnostic (e.g. 360-degree leadership assessment). The coaching program is built on deep understanding of the leader’s contexts, experiences, preferences of how you lead, behave, and communicate.

Impact Leadership coaching draws on research and practices around positive leadership to help the leader embark on a balanced and impactful journey in their career. Through this program, leaders develop their key leadership skills and qualities to create impact for their team and stakeholders while being more satisfied.

Impact Leadership sessions are designed to enable leaders in: 

  • Deep understanding and awareness of their leadership development
  • Improving performance related leadership/business challenges
  • Developing team and cultures
  • Mindful engagement for impact, including communication styles
  • Transitioning to a senior leadership role
  • Handling a specific situation, e.g., a difficult relationship at work, a particularly challenging project

The program includes six sessions of 1.5 to 2 hours, or more if desired, over the course of 3 to 6 months.